Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why do we allow ourselves to play the fool?

You know what I hate? having (friends & family as well with) a broken heart at times  Like the last episode of The Sopranos, its complete and total bullshit.

 And Bears...........fuck bears.

Personally I know what it feels like to have feelings of doubt, anxiety,hurt and whatever else you classify as a symptom, but really I see more than a dozen people who have been dealing with bad heartbreak or hurt. The consistent point of where you feel like you wanna move forward and then wanna go running back to someone and it sucks. But seriously some people need to grow up live life with two words

Fuck it

Some people cant move forward and others have to deal with immaturity/drunken text/calls so on and so forth but whatever the case may be the thing we tend to forget as people is something that one of my greatest friends pointed out.
We as people tend to always look at what we dont have rather then what we do.
Looking at the glass half full and half empty is really ones own self perception which is obviously different for everyone but really what have we lost and what have gained out of these situations?
Not a goddamn thing!

Going through the process of losing someone
 (whether that may be in love or more is different but still if someone has passed and your applying this to yourself  Im very sorry but..............your an idiot) and it hurts like hell.

Well.... for some of us 

But really think about it what have we lost? memories? affection? the chance of getting a quickie in before the in-laws come over for dinner? No technically we are still living life and just tend to look at the other side of yard where grass would grow even if you tried. You see the outlook of life its lonely, blue and you feel like all is crappy.
Thats natural we all go through it. Now look at the facts you tend to look at the good and or bad and then get stuck in this mode of what your thoughts of the situation are and tend to forget all the details like who,what,where, why?

Feeling doubt or frustration is natural as well but just take a deep breath.....In........and out......In ......and out...There feel better?

Now, Like that funny smelling baggie you have in the car while getting pulled over, Throw that shit out the window.

 "Littering annnnd?......littering annnnd?............"

We look at what we could have done and not really at what it is that we have done.
You have an argument with someone and get frustrated over something that should not even be an issue, maybe its someone insecurities or maybe someones been drinking out of your hello kitty coffee mug again. Then when all is said and done you realize half of the things you/they said were out of spite or hurt and then later on each other knows that what you've said wasn't meant (half of the time)
but we still take it personal.

Defenses go up and then people feel remorse for comments or actions or people hear the truth and then turn into Bush mode and start finding every reason to blow up on anything outta "defense". well what makes this any different when your hurting still post situation?
90% of the conversation that I hear from people is complete and utter horse shit and I cant stress on how much it annoys me to see people get defensive and act like 2nd graders about their problems in a hateful or negative way. We all have negative things about ourselves, thats what makes us human and able to learn on whats the difference between good and bad.

How many times does someone that gets left behind, whether it may be by friends or a loved one comes and is quick to say:
 "F- Him / Her, Im So tired of them, I dont know what i want anymore, I deserve better, Their going to miss me when im gone"
then sure enough after everyone and their mother has to hear about it, they jump right back into the situation they just complained about.

"Goddamnit Tom its 2am,If your really this down then do it already, cause if you dont shut the fuck up I sure as hell will"

Then you get people who live by the motto, "A Bitch really aint shit "
and this is said by both sexes, talking about how they're lives are going to be way better an moving on, Even you yourself is going to be impressed with how apparently baller, great and strong this person is!

and also how full of shit that statement is.

Really anyone that goes through the motions of pain an recovery know that like a broken bone it hurts, takes time to heal and hard work to get it back to what it was before if not better. but unlike a broken bone your not spending 50'000$ on recovery

Or maybe you are in a different form of medicine? 

So when you hear someone banter on about all this stuff you have to remember when you hear a song about someone living the "thug life" and Free with out care and love are you usually the most bothered and messed up people when you see who they really are?

Fun Fact. Gym Class Heroes Singer wrote majority of his songs after  The Paper Cut Chronicles about Katy Perry, then when she moved on and talks about F-in other guys and being promiscuous he came back with "The Quilt" and "Billionaire"  albums where obviously he does care and is a wreck at alot of points.

So when you think about it until your real with yourself and so forth your really just fooling yourself and its only gonna get worse. Confusing convenience for comfort is the common factor in these situations

People go out and just grab what ever they need to feel better for the moment and not think about letting themselves have space or time to really heal and although that might help ill let you know the truth...

Your fucking stupid.

"Never go full retarded"

On a serious note, when we heal the best thing I've tried to tell people like how I live my life by is that ignorance and negativity are a dime dozen in this world and the last thing we as people need to do is add into it. If you have disagreements with people let it go. If you move forward with yourself and just let life go on productively the other person will tend to know it and acknowledge it in time because most of the time people will fight to the end like dogs and make it out to be more than its worth. But when you let it go and can just leave it alone what really do you have to to live life, because eventually you'll watch others wreck themselves and make more an ass that what they could already be.

All and all people sometimes people do it to themselves when it comes to hurting and so forth. And theres no point in helping someone if they cant help themselves. But when the cards fall down you see your true friends and foes and knowing whos really there in the end makes you realize that you didnt loose as much as youve always have had along.

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